How can I use "Scan to Pay"?

To pay by scanning the QR code, please follow the steps below:

  1. Tap on "Scan" icon in the bottom bar of the "Home Page"
  2. If it's the first time you use "Scan to Pay", a message will appear telling you to give Qawn the permission to use your camera. Tap on "Allow"
  3. Point the camera to the QR code to scan it
  4. Once you scan the QR code, you'll be redirected to the chat page with the recipient, where you can enter the amount you want and send it. 
    *If the recipient is CliQ contact, you'll be redirected to the CliQ payments page with the recipient.
  • Tap on "Send CliQ Payment"
  • Enter the amount you want to send
  • Tap on "Next"
  • Select the purpose of transfer
  • Tap on "Confirm"

*If the recipient is Qawn contact, you'll be redirected to the chat page with the recipient.

  • Tap on the money icon 
  • Enter the amount you want to send
  • Tap on "Send" 

** If you use "Scan to Pay" to pay for a merchant, you will follow the same 3 steps above to scan the QR Code given by the merchant

  1. Tap on "Scan" icon in the bottom bar of the "Home Page"
  2. If it's the first time you use "Scan to Pay", a message will appear telling you to give Qawn the permission to use your camera. Tap on "Allow"
  3. Point the camera to the QR code to scan it and pay for what you bought